zondag 26 januari 2014

Rice Cushion

This was such a fun project to work on! 

You all probably know the cherry stone pillows. You heat them up in the microwave and you can snuggle up to them :)

I always thought that cherry stone pillows aren't soft and cosy enough. And then I came across these sweeties! The basic idea is the same, but instead of cherry stones, you use rice to fill the cushion. It is ovenproof, microwave proof, if you do it right it is even more durable than cherry stone cushions. 

I made these without a sowing machine, but it will be a lot easier to use one :p

First you make a cotton shape, sow it and stuff it with rice. Stuff it good, for that will improve the heat endurance of the cushion. 

Then you will also want a cozy, snuggly cover for your cushion. I wanted to make them without buttons and zippers, for they only annoy me when snuggling. So, I took some fleece, and folded the cover with an overlap. That way you can easily take the cushion out to heat it, but you will still have the fleece covering the whole cushion.

And this is the end result! Even the cats and dog like to lay close to it :) 

P.S. I also made one with cables, those are really nice when you have sore muscles. This one is without inner cushion, so just sow the fleece on one side, sew cables, and fill them with rice on the open side. Then fold it inwards, and sow it shut. Done :D Tip (something I should've done but didn't because of having no sowing machine available at that time): make the cables even smaller, it will be better for your muscles!

Happy snuggling!


donderdag 16 januari 2014

Forest Fruit Pancake Cake and Chocolate Pancake Cake

Dear all,

A while back we made some pancake cakes! They are relatively easy to make, can easily be modified depending on your wishes and they look pretty nice. 
Watch out: eating them can be quite difficult when you make them as high as we did!

You will need:
Lots of pancakes
Whipped cream
Forest fruit (or chocolate, see second cake we made) Also try both of them, or something else altogether

Make layers with the different ingredients until you are satisfies with the height and the end result.

Here you can see our forest fruit pancake cake:

Doesn't it look delicious? And this is our chocolate pancake cake:

Have fun baking and eating :)


woensdag 8 januari 2014

For I Ain't No Cowgirl..

I bought these shoes today, and I really love them. There was only one problem: the fringes. Personally I don't like them, and I ain't no cowgirl! So I decided to cut them off. Easy as it seems, I had some difficulties with cutting the suede. In the end it all turned out pretty okay :) It's definitely not flawless, but well, people shouldn't be with their noses up your shoes anyway ;)


maandag 6 januari 2014

Fairytale of a Stool

This is a little fairytale of a stool. The stool was very sad and lonely. He was a bit limp, and he was sure that no-one thought he was pretty. Then along came a nice young lady, who looked at him, and said: 'underneath all the burden you carry, you must be a pretty young man', and she carried him under her arm up the stairs. This was what he looked like when he came in:

He looks a bit sad, doesn't he? First she sanded him, and then she put on layer after layer of paint. He liked the attention, and starting to glow more and more!

The stool was very satisfied with himself when he saw the result in the mirror. He was almost ready to show himself to the world. But the young lady stopped him, and said: 'you are far too nice a stool to be just plain white, I want to show the whole world your nice personality'. So the stool stayed for a little bit longer. 

First the young lady started to draw shapes on this head, which he didn't like. He thought he looked ridiculous with just those few circles.

'Have faith', the young lady said. 'It will all be all right in the end'. And she continued to draw more shapes on the stool. It tickled, but he tried to stand very still. When the stool saw himself in the mirror a few hours later, he had to admit that this was definitely an improvement to all the weird shapes. 

With a small sigh he said to the young lady: 'is this how you see me? I understand and like the flowery thingy's and the suggestion of a mandela, but I feel so gloomy in black and white'. 'Do not fear, I'm not ready yet', the young lady said and she picked up a few colourful bottles. She mixed some colours, and started at it.

She worked almost all night, and when she was done, this was what the head of the stool looked like:

He was so pleased with the result that he hugged the young lady, despite the fact that the paint was still a bit wet. After a few days the paint dried, and he pondered his future. He felt so confident now that he had beautiful flowers all over his head, and he smiled and danced and whistled the whole day. He decided he wanted to live with this beautiful young lady that he had come to know over the last few days. He wanted her so see him shine. And so this story comes to an end. But don't worry, beautiful stories almost never really end!

Sleep tight after this nice little fairytale!


Christmas Foods :)

I only just found some spare time to upload these Christmas foods I made this Christmas. I decided to make cinnamon rolls, but with a nice twist. First I made some cinnamon candy canes:

And after that I went for a more complicated task: I tried to make little Christmas trees:

I also made some usual cinnamon rolls, and formed a huge Christmas tree out of that one. I hope you understand what I mean, because I failed to make a nice picture of that one.

So, if you are looking for some nice, easy christmas thingy's, please remember these! Fun to make, and nice to eat :)

Hugs, Ginny.

donderdag 2 januari 2014

Lots of Cakes :D

Hi All,

First of all: a very, very happy New Year! 
Second: this is a very short post, because I am really busy today. I didn't want to deny you all the opportunity to take a look at today's creations though! So, here they are:

Today I baked three cakes for a birthday party. First I baked a forest fruit and apple pie:

Next on the to-do list was a cake with marzipan roses. I had a lot of angry moments with the red/pink marzipan, and I'm still not too happy with how it looks, but well.. As long as it tastes good!

I have made some cakes similar to the 2 before, but this last was one a real experiment. And, yay, it worked out pretty okay! It is a kind of marble cake: a normal cake with star-shaped chocolate filling! Check it out:

And since I had to bake all these in 1 day, this was what my kitchen looked like while baking: (who likes to help me clean? :p)

I hope you like these creative ideas. If you want to bake them yourself, just ask me for the recipe. I might upload them one day, but as I said: far too busy this week!

Lots of hugs,